So Saturday was my first day of Mama Bootcamp and I'm sore! We did an hour and 1/2 workout with lots of core and strength training plus about 20-30 minutes of cardio. It was tough, but fun and I am totally digging this program so far.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Ramblings of Shelley at 11:21 AM 6 Talk to me people!
Labels: In a Barbie world
Thursday, December 18, 2008
this and that
We had a great weekend last weekend. It was my sister's birthday and we and several of her friends surprised her with a limo and a trip to some wineries close by. It was a no kids.
I think I'm ready for Christmas, but with all the recitals, performances and Christmas shows I have been to this week it has been quite a whirlwind. I guess I'm about 90% ready, I just need to wrap and do a dry run on the stockings to make sure they are good...oh and I need to sew a couple skirts for my girls, but those are simple.
I'm caving in in my weight loss efforts. I can't do it myself. I start a boot camp class on Saturday and I meet with a coach tomorrow night for an intake to a 12 week program to try and get back in control of myself...which I really haven't been in the past four to five years. Oh, I can do okay a few weeks at a time, but the big picture is not good. Hopefully this works. After I made the call, I felt a big relief...I don't know why? I think there are a lot of emotional things going on that I'm not really aware of. I'm pretty sure I'll cry when I meet with her tomorrow, but I cry easy. I hope I don't freak her out. I'll post more after our meeting.
Quote of the week: Charlotte at Delaney's piano recital (after I've explained to her that we need to be on our best behavior so Delaney has a nice recital) with a devilish grin on her face, "I like messing things up." Hmmm, this one is going to be fun to raise.
Ramblings of Shelley at 10:55 PM 3 Talk to me people!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Rocking It Char Style

Ramblings of Shelley at 9:19 AM 2 Talk to me people!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Look What Came in the Mail Today....

Ramblings of Shelley at 5:35 PM 2 Talk to me people!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Motley Post
Guess what's cooking? TURKEY! If you don't get the humor in us cooking another turkey check out my last post. To answer some questions from my last post...the new turkey cooker works great, I would have to say it was the juiciest, most flavorful turkey I've ever had. Chuck did brine it too, so that helps, but somehow the cooker seals the juices in. Since the new cooker is oiless I would guess it is as healthy as if it was cooked in an oven. But just in case Chuck reads this, the fact that the turkey was fabulous IN NO WAY justifies buying 4 turkey fryers.

Ramblings of Shelley at 12:41 PM 2 Talk to me people!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Welcome to My House
Ramblings of Shelley at 4:08 PM 10 Talk to me people!
Labels: Virtual Visit
Monday, November 24, 2008
Anatomy Lessons
Living in a house with two young girls has really made me wonder where they get their ideas on the male anatomy. I mean really, they are 4 and 5 and don't have a brother, they should know nothing...right?
On Halloween we were driving down the road. We passed a small truck that had a gentleman probably in his 20's driving the car. He had on a blond wig and makeup as his costume. I pointed him out to Delaney who responded, "That's a boy!"
Chuck said, "Yes, you know how you can tell? Boy's have Adam's apples," as he pointed to his.
Delaney replied," And Wieners!"
Silence, as I look at Chuck a bit dumbfounded. Delaney chimes up, "They have skulls too, that hang down." Still looking at Chuck even more confused "skulls?" Chuck whispers to me, "testiskulls!" Oh jeez.
Then there was the lesson on how daddy pees - folks, our girls have no problem walking in on us when we are trying to get a little privacy to pee - we don't invite them in, they just come. First, Delaney thought Daddy had a magic thumb that he could pee Charlotte is telling me that Daddy squeezes his shirt to pee - not that I asked, it just came up. They both think boys are gross though, and should sit down to pee.
Ramblings of Shelley at 12:07 PM 4 Talk to me people!
Labels: shirts and magic fingers, Testiskulls
Friday, November 14, 2008
Just wanted to share this recipe my hubby has been making lately...courtesy of a recipe book we have from Williams-Sonoma called "Soup & Stew."
- 1 lb dried cannellini beans (pick over, rinse and drain)
- 4 cloves garlic, chopped
- 5 fresh sage leaves
- 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
- 2 yellow onions, coarsely chopped
- 3 carrots, peeled and coarsely chopped
- 3 stalks celery, sliced
- 2 russet potatoes, peeled and coarsely chopped
- 1/2 small savoy cabbage, cored and coarsely chopped
- 1 bunch each Swiss chard and Cavolo Nero (black cabbage), thick ribs removed, coarsely chopped
- One 14 1/2 oz can crushed tomatoes
- salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
- Place the beans in a bowl of cold water and soak for at least 4 hours (up to overnight) - drain and set aside.
- In large soup pot, combine the drained beans, 3 qt of water, garlic, and sage. Bring to boil over medium-high heat. Reduce the heat to low and simmer until beans are tender yet firm (about 1 1/2 to 2 hours). Remove from heat. Using a handheld or standing blender, coarsely puree the beans, leaving some texture. Set aside.
- In a large saucepan heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the onions and saute until softened, 7-10 minutes. Add the carrots, celery, potatoes, savoy cabbage, chard, and cavolo nero. Toss to coat evenly. Add the tomatoes and salt and pepper to taste. Cover and cook, stirring occasionally, about 20 minutes (until the greens are tender).
- Add the cooked vegetables to the pureed beans and cook covered until nicely thickened...about 40 minutes longer. Add additional seasoning to taste.
Ramblings of Shelley at 1:16 PM 2 Talk to me people!
Labels: Super soup
Monday, November 3, 2008
- Laughing -especially at the little quirky things in life
- Ice Cream - my favorite dessert
- Security - having a family and husband I can rely on, a home I can pay for (I think)
- The excitement of new adventures - I love to conquer something I've never done before or learn a new skill
- Having time to read a book, or take a bath by myself
- Being strong - mentally, emotionally, and physically
- Politics - so tired of all the bullshit and not being able to trust anyone
- Shopping - I hate to shop, sorry girls
- People who take themselves too seriously...can't you make fun of yourself at all?
- Sales calls...need I say more
- Greed
- Incompetency
Ramblings of Shelley at 12:04 PM 3 Talk to me people!
Labels: meme
Friday, October 24, 2008
Time To Get My Shit Together
I've been a little blue lately...
- Make exercise and running a priority to get my endorphins going to improve my attitude.
- Quit eating candy corns (the truly evil part of Halloween).
- Try to get at least one household chore done each day.
- Hug and love my kids every day (easy peasy).
Ramblings of Shelley at 6:41 AM 4 Talk to me people!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
More Life
I have nothing fun to report...I feel guilty not posting, but on the flip side I feel guilty posting anything that seems frivolous at this point.
Here's the deal, last month my boss was diagnosed with lung cancer. The cancer has also spread into his liver and back...evidently it is a very fast spreading cancer. He has been given a year to live. He has never smoked, lives a very healthy lifestyle, a great family man that has been married to the same woman for 25 or so years, three great kids. He is 56, and by all accounts has had a great life and been very successful...but it is just so shocking still and things are moving fast.
I don't work for one of his companies, I work for him personally managing the financial aspects of the many companies he owns. This means I am having to take over on a lot of stuff and keep it running while he is in treatment, etc. Also, one of my jobs the past few weeks has been "training" his wife and kids on how the companies are structured and work so that they can understand things when he is gone. It has been tough...I don't like to cry at work, but I have been.
This week was bad...he had an adverse reaction to some of the meds and had to be admitted to the hospital for several days with internal bleeding, fluid in his lungs, a fever, and they thought his organs were shutting down. We thought we were going to lose him now, rather than in a year or so. Once they took him off those meds though he improved and he is coming home today.
When I first heard the diagnosis I thought if anyone can beat it he can, he is strong and healthy other than the cancer...and determined...but now I don't know.
So I haven't fallen off the planet...but really some days I wish I could just vegetate in front of the TV all day and not think about anything.
I appreciate any and all positive thoughts sent this way.
Ramblings of Shelley at 1:50 PM 7 Talk to me people!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Life Changes
Ramblings of Shelley at 6:28 PM 6 Talk to me people!
Labels: a quick note
Friday, September 19, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I've Been Thinking...
My husband hates it when I say that cuz it is usually followed by something like:
- "We should get some goats."
- "Wouldn't it look great if we opened up that wall and put a fireplace over there?"
- "The local vet clinic has some St. Bernard puppies that were abandoned, we should adopt one."
- "It would be really nice to have a pool - all the girls friends could hang out at our house."
- "Look at the cute birdie..."
- "If we just take out that hall closet and make it part of our bedroom, we could have an awesome master bathroom and bedroom."
- "The girls want a baby brother...we could always adopt."
- "There is this really cool house a few miles away that is a bank repo. It has five acres, just think how many goats we could have then!"
I jest not, everyone of the sentences has come out of my mouth...but anyway, that is not what I was thinking about today.
I have been contemplating why I (in particular, women in general) torture myself so much to be the perfect weight. Isn't the whole point to be healthy? I know I am healthy - I can run miles and miles. I can do a pretty decent plank. My weight isn't perfect, this is true...but I look pretty decent.
My husband thinks I look good. My daughter's think I'm beautiful. Why do I want to obsess over this? Why do I want more? I'll never be one of those perky PTC mom's wearing a jog suit that has never been sweated in. It isn't like I don't have a million other things to better occupy my time and mind.
And I know, I KNOW, once I get to my ideal weight...I will want to lose more. I know because when I weighed this before, I thought I was fat. I know this because I am a woman and as that I can't seem to be happy with me the way I am....curvaliscious.
It really isn't that I think my husband will be more attracted to me or love me more if I lose weight...and I certainly don't want to lose weight to attract other men (no way in hell, one is enough for me thank you).
I can say that, I feel most self-conscious about my "flaws" around other women, most judged by them. Why? I don't know...maybe I am just paranoid, because they could probably care less if I have a muffin top, double chin, etc.
Anyway, that is what I have been thinking...but I'm still doing my challenges to be more fit, my obsession will not stop. Now, off to do my run for today.
Ramblings of Shelley at 9:32 AM 15 Talk to me people!
Labels: Curvaliscious girl in a skinny world (can't you just sing that to the Barbie song tune?)
Monday, September 15, 2008
Must Have Monday
My husband likes to shop...I really don't like to shop myself so I guess we're a little backwards there, but I digress. The problem with my husband's shopping, is he finds these totally crazy gadgets that really aren't practical, but he "must have" them. He can justify buying anything...really he is very talented at that. He could justify buying a tractor if we lived in a flat in Manhattan. And I really don't even try to say no, it isn't worth the argument unless pennies are tight. Now he even has one more reason to justify his material.

Ramblings of Shelley at 11:43 AM 7 Talk to me people!
Labels: Gadget of the week
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Core Meltdown - Week One Check In
Okay, so today probably isn't the best day to check in. Yesterday I was out and about with my family and I got so hungry I ended up eating a bunch of salty chips...sigh. So I'm a little bloated today. But one day is just a drop in the bucket, the big picture is much better. And now that I am participating in Glam's Muffin Melt Off too, there are others involved to keep me competitive and focused.
I actually did pretty darn good on my exercise plan last week...I only missed one short run due to an upset stomach. Although I know I haven't really lost much weight this first week I do know that things are changing. I've taking measurements and things are definitely rearranging themselves.
So my goal for this week is to get a little more organized and planned out with my food. I wasn't really following a plan last week...just trying to be more aware and careful of what I was putting in my mouth. I did manage to stay away from milk and cheese (which wasn't easy for me) mainly because it just seems to reek havoc on my system, I'm not morally opposed to milk and cheese and I don't think it is bad for most people. But I think I need an actual meal plan, and keep a protein bar in my purse for those days when my husband keeps me out for hours shopping (not kidding).
This weeks exercise schedule:
- Sunday - 10 mile run, abripperX
- Monday - Shoulders & arms
- Tuesday - 4 mile run, abripperX
- Wednesday - YogaX
- Thursday - 5 mile run, abripperX
- Friday - 4 mile run, Legs & back
- Saturday - rest
And now a moment to vent on some pet peeves I'm having at the come no one else in my family seems to know how to change the damn toilet paper! Nor do they even seem to know how to flush the toilet...I can forgive a four year old for this, but a 15 year old? or better yet a forty-five year old! and don't get me started on no one else seeming to know where the garbage is located in our house.
Okay, better now.
Hope everyone's weekend was for my run now!
Ramblings of Shelley at 11:20 AM 2 Talk to me people!
Labels: Core meltdown day 8, Muffin Melt Off
Friday, September 12, 2008
Better late than never, eh? It took me all day to get this picture up, but here it is Nikemom's TGIF Picture.
Ramblings of Shelley at 8:20 PM 3 Talk to me people!
Labels: me and me bird matey
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Cute Quote of the Day
"Whatever you give a woman, she's going to multiply:
If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby.
If you give her a house, she'll give you a home.
If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal.
If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart.
She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her."
So - if you give her crap, you will receive a bucket full of shit.
Ah, Memories....after rereading this I remembered when I was about 20 or so my friend and I dumped a bucket of horse manuer all over a guys truck in the middle of the night because he was trash talking my friend. We even went so far as to cover my license plate so we couldn't be "traced" - I was such a goody two-shoes it made me nervous to be so naughty.
Ramblings of Shelley at 9:54 AM 2 Talk to me people!
Labels: you've been warned
Monday, September 8, 2008
1 Day Down, 29 To Go
Day one went pretty good...but my first attempt at AbRipperX was pathetic - I think I was only able to complete about a third of the moves....and I am SORE today.
I'm thinking I shouldn't have worn spandex that sucks in the gut in my before pictures...cuz really my tummy don't look good, and there is back fat, and I just hate it when I feel like a roll of fat is restricting my movement...but thanks for the positive comments. Marcy...I was very lucky to only get one very small stretch mark on my lower tummy in my 3 pregnancies...hate me if you want, but on the bright side you're faster and skinner than me.
After posting my before pics, I noticed that Glam is doing a little Muffin Meltdown challenge of her own starting next week. I've decided to join in on her challenge for a little extra if you have a muffin top your wanting to get rid of go check that out.
So today I'm taking off work early, picking up my girls and our family is going to the lake to try out our new kayaks! Woot! We got two sit-on-top kayaks so we can toodle around the lake with our kidlets. The kayaks just came in today and it should be so much fun to be able to go to the lake, picnic and get some family exercise too.
Ramblings of Shelley at 11:39 AM 3 Talk to me people!
Labels: playing hooky at the lake
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Core Meltdown - In the Beginning
Today is the first day of my Core Meltdown Challenge. Well I did cheat a little, I actually did Yoga X yesterday...anyway.
Here we go, before pictures of the culprit. I can't believe I'm actually posting before pictures...but I figure it will keep me more motivated to stick to my plan.
I can't believe I can run with a belly like that!
Week one workout plan:
- Sunday - 8 mile run, ab ripper X
- Monday - Strength shoulder & arms
- Tuesday - 4 mile run, ab ripper X
- Wednesday - 5 mile run, strength legs & back
- Thursday - 4 mile run, ab ripper X
- Friday - Yoga X
- Saturday - rest
My food plan is pretty basic. I'll be having Bob's Red Mill Mighty Tasty Hot Cereal for breakfast, fruits for snacks, veggies and lean proteins for lunch and dinner. NO CHEESE or MILK products.
Obviously I have some hard work ahead of me to meltdown the belly, love handles, muffin top, etc. Not just toning involved but lots of fat loss needed.
Ramblings of Shelley at 9:54 AM 7 Talk to me people!
Labels: Core meltdown before pictures
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Labor Day is over. Summer is gone. I have made no progress over the summer to improve my body. I don't mind the thick thighs...I have them, will always have them, they are strong and muscular (although currently a little too much chub on top of the muscle). I have always had a "pear shape" because of my thighs....what is getting to me though is my increasing belly size. Rather than a pear I am starting to look like a Butternut Squash. Not good.
So, I am initiating a self-challenge to reduce my core and regain my shape over the next 30 days. I can do 30 days...can you? Join me if you like...but I'm doing it with or without you. We can post pictures or stats that show middle meltdowns...the prize is a boost to self-esteem.
Start Date: Sunday, September 6
End Date: Monday, October 6
My Plan:
- AbRipper X (from P90X) 2-3 times per week
- YogaX (also P90X) once per week
- maintain running schedule (er start again)
- keep my diet to lean proteins, fresh veggies and fruit.
- Stay away from cheeses, processed crapola, etc.
My goal is to reduce the roll when I am sitting. I'll post my start on Sunday and link to anyone who wants to join me.
Ramblings of Shelley at 10:10 AM 4 Talk to me people!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Seven Things - Week in Review
Seven good things last week:
- My husband and I rocked out making a landmark out of Delaney starting Kindergarten. I took Delaney out for a special mother daughter day. Plus, my husband and I made her a special dinner the night before, pancakes the morning of, and took her out to lunch when we picked her up the first day.
- Got my bills paid.
- Got caught up on my laundry…but now I am behind again, and my house completely cleaned…but now it is messy again. Oh well, gotta love those kids.
- My Mom, step-dad, two sisters and a brother-in-law are visiting and we have had lots of good family time…my house is a little more chaotic than normal, but it is worth it.
- I went kayaking with my girls on Saturday. I took both of the little ones out with me individually on the lake and let them have a shot at rowing. It was fun, and now my arms are a little sore…I’d love to do that more often.
- Danced and sang with a bunch of little kids at a birthday party on Saturday night (Saturday was busy). One year olds are funny.
- Made it to church.
Notice how none of my good things related to diet and exercise? That will change this week, I am ready to recommit, my mindset is there…next weeks list will rock!
Three things I will do this week:
- Get on a better eating plan.
- Get all my runs in.
- Spend one-on-one time with each of my three girls.
Ramblings of Shelley at 10:05 AM 4 Talk to me people!
Friday, August 22, 2008
First Day of Kindergarten
Ramblings of Shelley at 9:48 AM 6 Talk to me people!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Slow Train Back
It is taking me forever to get back on track after our vacation to Disneyland! I am still behind in work, home, diet and exercise...but each day I get a little closer to being caught up, at least that is what I'm telling myself.
Disneyland was lots of fun, we probably spent close to 45 hours in 3 days at the parks. Everyone was exhausted, but we did every ride we wanted to. My favorite ride was Soaring Over California in the California Adventure park...way cool. I had five girls with me ranging from 4 to 15, and they were all pretty major meltdowns (other than my husbands), and no one got lost. Charlotte is ready to go back (she has a list of character signatures she still wants), but Delaney thinks staying at home is just fine since we don't have the earthquakes and fire alarms here that we experienced on our trip.
Now I am ready for a real vacation where I can sit on a beach, stare at the ocean, and drink pina coladas or beers or margaritas...sigh...
My running has been sporadic at best, I have been having a hard time getting out of vacation mode with the diet and exercise. I think I will only be doing a half marathon on October and push my full out to December...otherwise I will probably hurt myself and it just isn't worth it. But I need to do it in December or I will be disappointed in myself. I need to do some more late night trips to the gym to launch my undercover surveillance of the "massage" parlor next far my day trips have provided no conclusive evidence.
Delaney starts kindergarten today...wah! Ask her if she is excited...NO! Ask Charlotte if she is excited...YES (now she gets mommy all to herself when Delaney's at school). We got all of her clothes laid out last night. Got her backpack packed with her supplies and a snack. I need to find a box of tissues cuz I'll be crying in a couple hours when we do drop-off. I'll be updating with her first day pictures later.
Ramblings of Shelley at 5:15 AM 5 Talk to me people!
Labels: catching up
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Disney Days
We're Here! Actually, we have been here since Sunday but today is the first chance I have had to get on the Internet.
Packing on Friday and Saturday was torture! I think I did about 30 loads of laundry, and we had to squeeze Charlotte's birthday in there. She turned four on Saturday and was happy with the presents and fun, but would rather just stay three...she wants to be my baby!

Ramblings of Shelley at 1:45 PM 7 Talk to me people!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Random Nonsense
Four days until we leave for Disneyland, three days until Charlotte turns four. My laundry isn't done, haven't packed a wink, haven't bought Charlotte's presents yet, have lots of stuff I need to get done at work before I leave....AAAHHH!

Ramblings of Shelley at 11:02 AM 6 Talk to me people!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Monday Mellow Drama

Ramblings of Shelley at 1:48 PM 6 Talk to me people!
Labels: cant wait for the fights in the car on our 7 hour drive
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Lessons Not Learned
I did my long run on Saturday and I was up and out of the house by 6:30am, which is huge for me! But lets just say I wasn't very well prepared for my run and there are a lot of things I need to get through my thick head to make these runs go better.
- Planning for a long run involves more than just putting it on your calendar.
- Drinking a few glasses of wine the night before is not the best way to hydrate for a long run.
- Garmins need to be placed on a charger to actually have enough juice to make it through a long run - let alone even making it on your wrist.
- If you feel like you are walking out of your house without something, you probably forgot your ipod and you will be doomed to hours of running with nothing to distract you from dwelling on all the thoughts that pass through your stressed out head.
- Maybe if I actually stretched before running I would be less likely to get the foot and knee pain I've been having.
- The cute little water bottles that go in your fuel belt get moldy if you sit them on your dresser half full and forget to wash them...and don't notice until 10 minutes before your you have to carry a big bulky bottle.
I think I need to spend a half hour each night preparing for the next day...whether it be work, home with my girls, or running...things would run so much smoother. I have my doubts I'll actually make this happen, but it sure would be a good habit to get into.
Ramblings of Shelley at 11:08 AM 10 Talk to me people!
Labels: I will do everything on this list again, Plan ahead knucklehead
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Time to Pull Up My Socks
The past two weeks my exercise has been crap, my diet has been crap, and my attitude has been crap.
The smoke didn't help, but things have cleared up...but I actually sat on my couch Saturday and cried, for no real reason at all other than I just feel like I am doing a crappy job at everything.
And now my husband is down too, he has been laying in bed until 11 or so the last few days. Doesn't he know it is my turn to be blue! What is wrong with us!
My weight loss has been stagnant lately (see paragraph one)...and I was feeling so great last month, this definitely doesn't help with my mindset at all. It just pisses me off knowing, overall I eat pretty healthy, I'm pretty active, and there are people out there who eat worse than me and never exercise and have great bodies. Waaah!
So I set my alarm to get up at 5:45 this morning and run...I woke up at 7, and ran at 8...but I did run. Tomorrow I hope to get up a little earlier to get my butt in gear and quit feeling sorry for myself, because my life is really pretty great.
Needless to say, I have been contemplating things a lot lately and my approach to life. I am hoping to make a bit of a transformation in the next few weeks in how I can have more of a positive impact on my kids, my family, my community and live a healthier, cleaner and simpler life and not feel so frazzled.
Blah, Blah, Blah...

Ramblings of Shelley at 11:19 AM 5 Talk to me people!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Smokin' Hot
Required running gear here in NorCal
The air is a hazy grey, smells like a campfire you can never escape due to all the wildfires going on right now. To top it off it is triple digit temps all this week...112 today.
Ramblings of Shelley at 8:06 AM 6 Talk to me people!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Thursday Thoughts
24 days until we leave for Disneyland! Our big vacation this year. It will be hot. It will be crowded. But dammit, we are going to have fun! Delaney is five and Charlotte will be turning four and we can no longer put off their childhood right to stand in line after line at the happiest place on earth.
- I need to get serious (again) on my weight loss plan. I did pretty good in May, okay in June...but now I need to step it up again. I'd like to lose another 5 to 10 pounds before Disney - gotta look good for my main man Donald Duck (I like him cuz he's grumpy, Mickey is just to perky for my taste). So I guess I better put all that wine I just bought in my cellar (uh, little refrigerator), stick to my exercise schedule, and update my goals.
- My foot hurts. It was hurting pretty bad Monday and Tuesday so I have been laying off the running. My foot feels much better today, just a twinge, so I think I'm going to try a light run today. Hope I don't aggravate it again.
- OK, tmi ,but I either have IBS or I am lactose is time for me to deal with this properly cuz it just ain't fun. I'm going to try cutting out dairy first to see if that helps at all. I don't eat much dairy anyway (mostly just a limited amount of cheese and ice cream), so it shouldn't be that hard.
- I am going to start researching switching our house over to solar. Our energy co
sts have gone through the roof the last year, and I can't figure out why since our lifestyle hasn't really changed. Anyway, I'm going to check into it - we'll see, it may just be too expensive to be worth it. I like the idea of being a little more self-sufficient and greener like Kermie though.
- My boss left yesterday for a month long vacation to Ireland and Switzerland (where he owns his own Chalet - disgustingly rich) - whew! Now I have a month of being able to get caught up at a nice steady pace instead of frantically trying to get 3 projects done at the same time, that he wanted last week. I needed this vacation!
Ramblings of Shelley at 8:46 AM 4 Talk to me people!
Labels: vacations rock
Monday, June 30, 2008
Girls Weekend!

I had an awesome girls weekend with two of my sisters and my stepmom. We went to Napa Valley! So beautiful, one of my favorite places to hang and relax and if anyone comes to visit California - a must see!

So we didn't go to Napa until Saturday afternoon, and I was able to get my long run in before we left. My stepmom is a little dingy, and she forgot she was

So we walked, and shopped, and ate lunch in Calistoga which was tres fun.
We finished off the weekend with a wine tasting at Cakebread Cellars. My stepmom is actually a granddaughter of a Cakebread, so we thought that was the best winery to stop at...we didn't know we needed a reservation! but luckily we were able to get in.

Ramblings of Shelley at 10:04 PM 7 Talk to me people!