About every two years or so, my life seems to get crazy enough that I have to regroup. Usually, that involves getting rid of activities that take more time then benefit they provide. I feel like I am at one of those moments, but I don't want to rid myself of any of my activities or responsibilities. So I am trying to get more organized rather than purging activities. I bought a "brain" book to keep a schedule of all my activities, work schedule and appointments. My husband said I should get an i-phone, he has one (of course).....but I just like writing things down, keep it simple, and I'm not really into gadgets (unless they are for running he-he). I like the simplicity of the month-at-a-glance calendar looks, and it comforts me to see I actually do have time to fit things in. I hope this gets me back on track and not feeling so scattered. Plus, then I can see I am getting things done, since I can check them off in my handy dandy notebook.
I also need to get back on track with my body....enough is enough. I know I am exercising enough. So I bought a notebook to start keeping a food journal. I've decided to cut out all the diet crap drinks and fake sugars - which I have been really good at for the past week and a half, but the pounds haven't miraculously disappeared yet. I am also curbing my alcohol consumption - at least until my half marathon next month. Darn it, I love wine....but I am sure it will help me lose some weight, and it will probably make my training go better too. Wine and Diet soda's are probably my worst eating habits, so I hope this will make a difference. This is the plan for the next 3 weeks.

Oh crap, as I am writing this Charlotte came up and patted my tummy and said "You are having a baby, right mommy?" No, just fat.....I've never had belly fat before, I hate it! It is the kids fault though, two kids in eighteen months is brutal on your body. The wine doesn't help either, and the age factor. Crap. I almost took before pictures yesterday, but I didn't. When I look in the mirror I don't think I look that bad, but it must be an optical illusion. The scale is not my friend right now. I need to lose 20 pounds, and then maybe a little more.....
I ran four miles yesterday on the treadmill in 41:36 (10:24 pace).......but I won't be making my 90 mile goal, I'll probably have more like 75. Mostly because I have been sick a good portion of the first 3 weeks of this month, so I am okay with it....I'll just do it next month :)