I sort of feel like I'm cheating a bit when I run on a treadmill, for some reason I am faster there...I think cuz I suck at pacing and pushing myself which the treadmill does nicely.
My results:
Mile 1: 9:18
Mile 2: 8:49
Mile 3: 8:48
Mile 3.1: :54
Total Time: 27:49
Avg Pace: 8:58 (I think, I suck at calculating that)
I ran my first 5K in May of 2007, after deciding to start running again in January of 2007 when I turned 39. My time in that first 5k was 35:13, pace 11:22 - needless to say I am really happy with how far I have come and glad I have stuck with it and thankful I can do it.
And just for fun, I decide to copy Marcy and Michelle and Googled what I need:
1. Shelley needs The Obvious?
2. Shelley needs some help
3. Shelley needs help! (guess I'm pretty bad off)
4. Shelley needs PCE (? IDK)
5. Shelley needs to go
6. Shelley needs Australia (yes!)
7. Shelley needs your vote!
8. Shelley needs Cocoa and Cookies
9. Shelley needs to know
and my absolute favorite...(rolling on the floor laughing cuz I'm such a square)
10. Shelley needs some West London Sex Lesbian Relationships (Mom you were right!)
LAST BUT NOT LEAST, my quote of the day which Delaney told me while I was tending to a bloody nose she had today:
Me: Do you know how you got this? Did you bump it?
D: No, I didn't do anything.
Me: Were you picking your nose?
D: No, I only pick it on Thursdays...I have a secret hiding spot so no one sees me.
The Secret Life of Kindergartners :)