So Saturday was my first day of Mama Bootcamp and I'm sore! We did an hour and 1/2 workout with lots of core and strength training plus about 20-30 minutes of cardio. It was tough, but fun and I am totally digging this program so far.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Ramblings of Shelley at 11:21 AM 6 Talk to me people!
Labels: In a Barbie world
Thursday, December 18, 2008
this and that
We had a great weekend last weekend. It was my sister's birthday and we and several of her friends surprised her with a limo and a trip to some wineries close by. It was a no kids.
I think I'm ready for Christmas, but with all the recitals, performances and Christmas shows I have been to this week it has been quite a whirlwind. I guess I'm about 90% ready, I just need to wrap and do a dry run on the stockings to make sure they are good...oh and I need to sew a couple skirts for my girls, but those are simple.
I'm caving in in my weight loss efforts. I can't do it myself. I start a boot camp class on Saturday and I meet with a coach tomorrow night for an intake to a 12 week program to try and get back in control of myself...which I really haven't been in the past four to five years. Oh, I can do okay a few weeks at a time, but the big picture is not good. Hopefully this works. After I made the call, I felt a big relief...I don't know why? I think there are a lot of emotional things going on that I'm not really aware of. I'm pretty sure I'll cry when I meet with her tomorrow, but I cry easy. I hope I don't freak her out. I'll post more after our meeting.
Quote of the week: Charlotte at Delaney's piano recital (after I've explained to her that we need to be on our best behavior so Delaney has a nice recital) with a devilish grin on her face, "I like messing things up." Hmmm, this one is going to be fun to raise.
Ramblings of Shelley at 10:55 PM 3 Talk to me people!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Rocking It Char Style

Ramblings of Shelley at 9:19 AM 2 Talk to me people!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Look What Came in the Mail Today....

Ramblings of Shelley at 5:35 PM 2 Talk to me people!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Motley Post
Guess what's cooking? TURKEY! If you don't get the humor in us cooking another turkey check out my last post. To answer some questions from my last post...the new turkey cooker works great, I would have to say it was the juiciest, most flavorful turkey I've ever had. Chuck did brine it too, so that helps, but somehow the cooker seals the juices in. Since the new cooker is oiless I would guess it is as healthy as if it was cooked in an oven. But just in case Chuck reads this, the fact that the turkey was fabulous IN NO WAY justifies buying 4 turkey fryers.

Ramblings of Shelley at 12:41 PM 2 Talk to me people!