Monday, May 19, 2008

Week in Review

So I lost another pound! Which is good, but I can't help thinking - "only one pound! - crap!"

So here is how I did with my goals last week:

  1. Three butt-kicking, 1,000 calorie burning workouts (incorporated into my regular workout schedule of three short runs, one long run, and two cross-training days). Goal met - I did my final long run of 8 miles which capped off my 3rd 1,000 calorie burn.
  2. Two strength work-outs Met
  3. Drink at least 48 - 64 ounces of water each day Easy peasy
  4. Stick to my 5-4-3 diet plan (no alcohol in the evenings because then I just snack) I did good on this until Saturday - I didn't totally blow it, but my sister and her family did come by and i did end up having some white wine (which hit me really hard - downside of not drinking much, or upside depending on how you look at it), so I ended up not eating as well as I should have, but not horribly. I did better Sunday, but I wasn't feeling so hot (white wine really doesn't agree with me), so I wasn't as stringent as I usually am.

My plan for this week is to keep to the above mini-goals for another week, only hopefully do better on the weekend with my eating. Plus I am going to shoot for 30 miles of running this week. I don't know why because that will be a little tough to achieve. Well I do know why - Runner's World magazine said that women runner's who gain weight need to increase their mileage to 30 miles/week on average to lose weight. I don't know how accurate that is (30 miles is a lot!), and if I actually qualify as a runner, but I figure what the heck I'll give it a shot. Maybe I should re-read that snippet to make sure I got the facts right before I go all crazy.

8 Talk to me people!:

P.O.M. said...

Great job.
Wine is definately my weakness. I am so bad about it - I will actually skip eating so I can drink my calories sometimes. oops.

P.O.M. said...
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Lesley said...

It sounds as though you had a pretty good week. Your weekend didn't sound too baad at all!

Good luck with the 30 miles, that seems like along way to me and I'm almost certain I couldn't make it. 20 would be decent for me.

Good idea on the outfit modelling idea. I really don't know which one I prefer and need some girly input. I'll see what I can do with the self timer!

Lesley x

Fatinah said...

wow - 30 miles a week is a lot. I think I would try increasing my speed first....

In any case, whatever your decision - you go girl!!

I think a pound is awesome! Great job!!

Marcy said...

Your numbers are right because I remember thinking the SAME thing when I read it LOL

You did EXCELLENT on your goals :-) One small slip is no big thing, as long as you keep at it ;-)

Nikemom said...

Go for 35! I gain weight when I run too. Now that I am training for the tri, I have found that I can pretty much eat what I want. However, that means maintaining versus losing. If I ate normal I might lose the 10lbs I need too. :) Oh well, school is almost out, so I all I'll have to concentrate on is trainig. Ohhlala

Nancy said...

You are doing great!!

Not that I am the voice of reason or anything but you might want to think about how fast you can go up to 30. If it is a big jump, you might risk injury.

Good luck!

SeaBreeze said...

You're not going crazy. That actually is what the snippet in Runner's World said, I think I read that issue a few weeks ago at the gym. It was a little upsetting for me at the time, as my rehab won't support 30 miles per week, yet. Good for you for trying it though, it'll be fantastic when you do it.