Thursday, March 13, 2008

Gearing Up for Shamrock'N Half

The anticipation is building, I'm really starting to get amped for my race on Sunday. Today I picked up my race packet for Sunday's the bib number, timing chip, a goody bag with only one goody (not so good tasting Clif Shot Bloks)...I really like getting the free stay-put pony tail holders, but no luck this time. I did get a really kick ass race shirt, and that makes up for the poor goody bag.

The shirt nicely accents the boobage too.

So now I'm worrying about what to wear to race in. I had picked out some blue Adidas shorts and a complimentary shirt...but I really like the race shirt too (part of me doesn't like wearing something most of the others will be wearing though).

My main stress right now though is my body has been threatening to start "that time of the month" all week...and here it is 2 1/2 days before the race and still nothing. My biggest fear is that it starts the day of the race...the first day is the worst! I am praying to start tomorrow, so then I'll be on day 3 by the race- I can handle that. What do real racers do? Well, they probably have too low of body fat and have amenorhia - so no worries about that. I know some people take the pill to control when they get their periods, but the pill gives me migraines so that isn't an option. HELP!

7 Talk to me people!:

Danielle said...

I just wanna say "good luck"! Sounds like a fun race! Oh, and I started my period on the morning of the US was AWFUL. TWO trips to the bathroom pretty much killed my time!?!

Lesley said...

"boobage" he he he..

That sounds like a great event - be careful what you wear in case of chafing - make sure you've road tested it! Apologies - I'm sure an experienced runner like you will have thought of that but I'm having to remind myself!!

Don;t know about TOTM! Yikes - another thing to worry about. I'm sure the running will help any discomfort.

Have a great day.

Lesley x

Nancy said...

Nice boobage!! I can say that, right?? :D You look awesome. Sorry about Aunt Flo being pokey. I actually do manipulate with pills, but no good solutions I can think of if you can't take them (other than trying several brands that might make a difference).

You are going to ROCK!!!! GOOD LUCK!

Nancy said...

Do you still have the brand of the no slip pony tail thingy? i got one and love it but don't remember the brand.

katieo said...

Ok, regarding the period thing. This isn't scientific and I am NOT a "real" racer, but mine typically is really really light (even if it's a really heavy day) when I'm UBER active. I remember during basketball games in high school, my cramps and bleeding would almost go away entirely during games and then return with a vengeance immediately if I stopped moving.

Anyway, that probably was TMI and not really any help at all, but good luck on Sunday! (and love the picture!)

katieo said...

Wait a sec. You just turned 40???

Are you freakin kidding? (you look a lot younger...maybe it's the

Shelley said...

Danielle: That is what I fear, the bathroom stops!

Lesley: I stocked up on the body glide!

Nancy: Thanks! Will you be my neighbor? I haven't tried the pill in over 6 years, maybe there is something new out there I should try - but I don't know.

Katieo: Thanks for the compliment! My husband says I have the boobage of a 24 y.o. I say "yeah, a 24 y.o. that has had 3 kids".

The shirt is actually very complimentary.